Vidzeme Threshing-Dwelling House and School
The building consists of a drying house, threshing room and chamber.
The school was set in the chamber (1704-1747), where children of peasants learnt reading, writing, numeracy, and religion. School lasted from the end of November till the beginning of March. A new separate school building was built in 1747.
The drying house space was used also for dwelling.
Flax processing tool exhibition is displayed in the threshing room.
Dwelling House – School’s place of origin is Kauguri, “Breži”; and it was built in the second half of the 17th century. Re-erected in the museum in 1933.
Vidzemes Dzīvojamā Rija – Skola
Ēka sastāv no rijas, piedarba un kambara.
Kambarī bijusi ierīkota skola (1704.-1747.), kur zemnieku bērni mācījās lasīt, rakstīt, rēķināt, kā arī ticības mācību. Mācības ilga no novembra līdz martam. 1747. gadā tika uzcelta atsevišķa skolas ēka.
Rijas telpa tika izmantota dzīvošanai.
Piedarbā iekārtota linu apstrādes darba rīku izstāde.
Rija – Skola bija atvesta no bijušas Valmieras apriņķa, Kauguru pagasta, “Breži”; uzcelta 17. gs. 70. gados. Muzejā uzstādīta 1933. gadā.
Vidzeme Hollowed Tree Trunk for Bees – Dore
About 200-year-old pine tree stump housed by bees till 1890. This pine tree was knocked over by a storm in 1939, and the pieces with the beehive were brought to the museum.
Beekeeping has long been a part of Latvian life. Natural hollows in trees were initially suited for beehives, while special holes for this purposes were cut in trees at a later time. Beehives were usually placed in fruit orchards near homesteads.
Tree Trunk’s place of origin is Jaunburtnieki, “Stendes”. Re-erected in the museum in 1940.
Vidzemes Bišu Koks
Aptuveni 200 gadus vecs priedes stumbrs, kurā līdz 1890. gadam mitinājās bites. Šī priede bija apgāzta ar vētru 1939. gadā, un atvesta uz muzeju.
Pirmie bišu stropi bija dabīgi koku dobumi. Vēlāk bitēm sāka darināt speciālus stropus, kurus parasti izvietoja dārzā pie mājas.
Bišu Koks bija atvests no bijušas Valmieras apriņķa, Jaunburtnieku pagasta, “Stendes”. Muzejā uzstādīts 1940. gadā.