Mesolithic People
The Mesolithic People
6000-8000 years ago this area was one of the first to be settled in Scotland. They had a very basic, nomadic way of life, much of which we still know very little about.
What did it look like?
This is a representation of what it might have looked like to live in a Mesolithic village. People would have lived very basically, hunting and fishing for food and using materials they could find in their surrounding environment to survive. At Morton Loch an archaeological site dating back to the Mesolithic was discovered, helping us to paint a more in depth picture of what life might have looked like in those times.
How do we know? Click on the images to find out!
Red Deer Antlers
Finding antllers in the midden suggests mesolithic people hunted red deer. It is likely the used both the skin for clothes and the meat for food. |
Flint Tools
Mesolithic people probably used flint tools in order to hunt animals and build things. Flint is good as a tool as it is very hard and can be made very sharp like a knife. |
Fish Bones
Finding fish bones in the midden (rubbish heap) suggests that mesolithic people ate fish as part of their diet. This must mean that they also had boats in order to get out to see to catch the fish. |