Kurzeme Smithy / Kurzemes Kalve


Kurzeme Smithy / Kurzemes Kalve


In the past a single room building with a clay tile roof was located at the roadside. Blacksmiths’ equipment: forge, bellows, hammer anvils, tongs, etc. Blacksmith tools are also displayed: hammers, pliers, and drills. Various tools and household utensils were made in the smithy, horses were shoed, and even weapons were forged there during Revolution of 1905.
Today the applied folk art studio “Auseklis” works in the smithy at the museum.
Smithy’s place of origin is fisherman’s village at Mērsrags, former Talsi district; and it is dating back to the 2nd half of the 19th century. Re-erected in the museum in 1951.

Vientelpas būve ar māla kārniņu jumtu agrāk atradusies lielceļa malā. Kalves iekārta: ēze, plēšas, divas laktas. Aplūkojami kalēja darba rīki – veseri, knaibles, urbji. Te kalti dažādi darba rīki, iedzīves priekšmeti, apkalti zirgi. 1905. gadā te kalti revolucionāru ieroči.
Muzeja kalvē darbojas tautas lietišķās mākslas studija “Auseklis”.
Kalve bija atvesta no bijušas Talsu apriņķa, Mērsraga zvejnieku ciema; uzcelta 19. gs. 2. pusē. Muzejā uzstādīta 1951. gadā.


Kurzeme Smithy / Kurzemes Kalve
Kurzeme Smithy (inside) / Kurzemes Kalve (iekšā)


“Kurzeme Smithy / Kurzemes Kalve,” Open Virtual Worlds, accessed February 23, 2025, https://openvirtualworlds.org/omeka/items/show/795.



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