Explanation: evidence of sea level change map


Explanation: evidence of sea level change map


Sea level change


The above map shows how coastal processes are continually changing the coast line of Tentsmuir. Tentsmuir’s location at the bottom of the Tay estuary means it receives huge quantities of sand each year. When the sediment is deposited, it slowly accumulates and causes the beach to grow. The map also highlights that not all of the beach has been growing - some parts have been eroded more rapidly. The combination of waves, wind and tides eroding and depositing sediment cause Tentsmuir’s coast to change rapidly and unevenly over time.


The above map shows how coastal processes are continually changing the coast line of Tentsmuir. Tentsmuir’s location at the bottom of the Tay estuary means it receives huge quantities of sand each year. When the sediment is deposited, it slowly accumulates and causes the beach to grow. The map also highlights that not all of the beach has been growing - some parts have been eroded more rapidly. The combination of waves, wind and tides eroding and depositing sediment cause Tentsmuir’s coast to change rapidly and unevenly over time.


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