Squirrel Glacier Audio


Squirrel Glacier Audio


Glacier Story


Brrrrrrrr – goodness, it was chilly in Tentsmiur 15000 years ago! Where you are standing right now used to be covered by an enormous glacier, which is like a massive frozen river. It used to cover all of Scotland and Ireland, and go all the way down to the top of England and Wales. It was at its biggest 21000 years ago, but started melting for good about 10000 years ago. It melted from the outside first, so the bit that was over the sea melted and then the ice that was on the land. It was all the ice that was on top of Scotland all that time ago that made the big valleys we see in the highlands today. I’m certainly glad I wasn’t around 15000 years ago – no trees! No nuts! And verrryyyyyy cooollllddddd!


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