Kurzeme Peasant's Homestead (Cattle Yard) / Kurzemes Zemnieka Sēta (Laidars)


Kurzeme Peasant's Homestead (Cattle Yard) / Kurzemes Zemnieka Sēta (Laidars)


The inhabitants of Kurzeme used to combine a cattle shed, livestock, feeding shed, cart-house and servant’s barn under the same roof. In the 19th century this farm had 5 horses, 12 cows, 20 sheep and 6 pigs.
At present, a working cart, two-wheel cart, sleds and sleighs employed by Kurzeme inhabitants may be viewed in a cart-house.
Massive fence from a tree trunk closes the entrance of the cattle yard, separates from the rest of the buildings and makes a courtyard, in which the stock was held during warm summer nights.
Cattle yard’s place of origin is Rucava, “Vecķērves”; and it was built in ~ 1850. Re-erected in the museum in 2004.

Kurzemnieki zem viena jumta mēdza apvienot kūtis visiem lopiem, šķūņus lopu barībai, ratnīcu, pelavnieku un kalpu klētis. 19.gs. sētā bija 5 zirgi, 12 liellopi, 20 aitas un 6 cūkas.
Patlaban ratnīcā var apskatīt kurzemnieku darba ratus, divričus, ragavas un kamanas.
Masīvs guļkoku – saukts bulverķa – žogs noslēdz laidara pakavu, atdala no pārējām sētas ēkām un veido pagalmu, kurā lopus turēja siltajās vasaras naktīs.
Laidars bija atvests no bijušas Grobiņas apriņķa, Rucavas pagasta, "Vecķērves"; uzcelts ~ 1850. gadā. Muzejā uzstādīts 2004. gadā.


Kurzeme Peasant's Homestead (Cattle Yard) / Kurzemes Zemnieka Sēta (Laidars)


“Kurzeme Peasant's Homestead (Cattle Yard) / Kurzemes Zemnieka Sēta (Laidars),” Open Virtual Worlds, accessed February 23, 2025, https://openvirtualworlds.org/omeka/items/show/791.



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