George Bain Drawing - Trinity Symbol.


George Bain Drawing - Trinity Symbol.


Trinity symbol repeated 12 times on this cross.
The various contents of the Ulbster Stone Cross.

'These stones and many others on the northern and eastern sides of the Scottish Grampians have no connection with Christianity and are Religious Stones'.

'It is my opinion that this cross bears some support to immigration of the British Celts from West Asia and East Europe by land routs many centuries before the founding of Rome'.

'Commencing with the cross which was old in Asia and Europe in 6000 BC and latter became known as the 'Greek Cross' the designer-Priest put a diagonal cross of the Celts into its 5 parts. This again was converted into the Trinity Symbol 12 times, perhaps the central group of 4 parts has Eastern Mediterranean influences, like the Maltese Cross with it's double pointed or forked arms'.


Drawing with text.


George Bain.




George Bain., “George Bain Drawing - Trinity Symbol.,” Open Virtual Worlds, accessed November 22, 2024,


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